Japanese Language Blog

Archive for May, 2009

Answers to the Kanji Exercise Posted by on May 31, 2009

1) Meaning: space, interval. Kun: ま. On: カン. 間 2) Meaning: three. Kun: み. On: サン. 三 3) Meaning: six. Kun: む On: ロク. 六 4) Meaning: eye. Kun: め On: ガン. 眼 5) Meaning: tree, wood. On: モク Kun: き. 木 6) Meaning: next, come. On: ライ Kun: くろ. 来 7) Meaning: power, strength. On: リイ Kun: ちから. 力 8) Meaning: weak. On: ルイ Kun: よわい. 羸 9) Meaning: cool, cold. On: レイ Kun: つめたい. 冷 10) Meaning: old age, elderly. On…

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Kanji Practice Posted by on May 28, 2009

Once again, I thank everyone who participated in this exercise! Here are the answers to the hiragana section: 1) ねこ (cat)  2) なに (what) 3) たこ (octopus) 4) はい (hai) 5) ふうふ  (married couple) 6) なか (middle, center) 7) のう (brain) 8) はこ (box) 9) はは (mother) 10) はな(flower) Here are the answers to the katakana section: 1) テスト (test) 2) ナウ (now) 3) ナイト…

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Hiragana and Katakana Continued Posted by on May 24, 2009

Thank you to everyone who answered the questions to the previous post. Here are the answers to the hiragana section: 1) ai (あい) love 2) ue (うえ) on 3) akai (あかい) red 4) eki (えき) station 5) sushi (すし) sushi 6) sake (さけ) sake 7) koi (こい) carp fish 8) iie (いいえ) no 9) aoi…

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Hiragana and Katakana Practice Posted by on May 20, 2009

  Ok, so let’s do some hiragana (ひらがな) and katakana (かたかな) practice. First I’ll give you all the characters you need to do for this exercise. Just remember that the hiragana (ひらがな) is writen first. The katakana (かたかな) is provided after the hiragana (ひらがな) a – (あ)(ア) i – (い)(イ) u – (う)(ウ) e – (え)(エ)…

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Sekihan Posted by on May 17, 2009

Sekihan (赤飯) is “red bean rice.” The rice is usually steamed with azuki (アズキ) beans. The azuki (アズキ) beans are dark red. When the beans are steamed with the rice, the color leeks into the rice, forming a pinkish color on the rice. Sometimes red food coloring is added to enhance the color. On top…

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Ainu Posted by on May 14, 2009

The Ainu (アイヌ) are an indigenous group of people living in Hokkaido (北海道). The Ainu (アイヌ) are the original inhabitants of Hokkaidoo (北海道). It’s a population that’s slowly dying out from poverty and malnutrition. The Ainu (アイヌ) have also intermarried with the Japanese people out of a desire to assimilate into Japanese society. The Ainu (アイヌ) have…

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Izakaya Posted by on May 11, 2009

Izakaya (居酒屋) is a place that serves food and drinks. I wouldn’t go so far as to call an izakaya (居酒屋) a restaurant. It’s more of a mini bar that serves food. It’s a place frequented by a lot of office workers called saraii man (サラリーマン) or salary man. It’s packed in the evenings. Workers…

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