Transparent Language Blog

Archive for May, 2013

10 Stages of Language Learning: How to Get Started and Keep Going Posted by on May 20, 2013 in Archived Posts

Meet Our Guest Author I’m Alex Rawlings, I’m 21 years old and I study German and Russian at Oxford University. I’ve always loved learning languages, and last year I was named Britain’s most multilingual student in a competition after being tested for fluency in eleven different languages. It doesn’t stop at eleven though, I have plans…

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10 Social Ways to Learn a Language Posted by on May 20, 2013 in Archived Posts

Lots of people think learning a language is a lonely process that is all about dry textbooks and memorizing phrases that you would never use in a real situation, but this is simply not the case! In fact, learning a language can be a very social (and fun) task if you know where to look…

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Language Learning Software Comparison: Rosetta Stone vs. Transparent Language Posted by on May 7, 2013 in For Businesses, For Educators, For Learners, For Libraries

It’s tough being the “other one” in the language-learning business, especially when competitors employ a heavy marketing strategy.  Rosetta Stone is a household name, and those yellow boxes are everywhere.  Many people feel that if they are paying hundreds of dollars for a language solution, well, they must be buying the best solution, right?  Maybe…

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