Portuguese Language Blog

How To Say “Eventual” and “Eventually” in Portuguese Posted by on Feb 6, 2014 in Vocabulary


Olá, pessoal! Tudo bem por aí?

In today’s post I’m going to show you how to translate the words eventual and eventually. But why these words?

Well, they are false cognates – they may look like one thing, but they mean something different.

Let’s start with the word eventual.


Eventual, in Portuguese, means accidental, fortuitous, occasional, casual. Here is how you can translate the word eventual (happening or existing at the end of a process or period of time) in Portuguese:

1. final, posterior, último

The government is heading towards eventual defeat. – O governo está rumando para a derrota final.
Archaeologists are trying to understand the formation of these civilizations and their eventual decline. – Os arqueólogos estão tentando compreender a formação dessas civilizações e seu declínio final.

2.inevitável, consequente, decorrente, resultante

He was terrified at the prospect of his eventual death. – Estava aterrorizado com a perspectiva de sua morte inevitável.
The eventual effects of the disease can be quite serious. – Os efeitos decorrentes dessa doença podem ser muito sérios.

3. Use “acabar”

This wrong move led to the eventual collapse of the federation. – Essa medida equivocada acabou levando ao colapso da confederação.

4. Use “no fim”, “por fim”

An eventual divorce is very likely. – É bem provável que no fim acabe havendo um divórcio.
The book describes Collor’s meteoric ascension, troubled administration and eventual impeachment. – O livro relata a meteórica ascensão de Collor e seu conturbado governo, que culminou, por fim, no impeachment.


Eventually can be translated as finalmente, por fim, no final, mais tarde, futuramente. Eventualmente means occasionally.

They hope things will eventually get better. – Eles esperam que por fim / futuramente as coisas melhorem.
Eventually they met again. – No final, os dois voltaram a se encontrar.

1. Use “no fim”, “por fim”, “no final”

The Great War quickly involved all the great powers of Europe and eventually most countries of the world. – A Grande Guerra logo envolveu todas as grandes potências da Europa e, por fim, a maioria dos países do mundo.

2. Use “acabar”

This species will eventually become extinct. – Essa espécie vai acabar se extinguindo.
Eventually the Van Gogh went to a museum in Japan. – O Van Gogh acabou indo para um museu no Japão.

3. Use “haver de”

I was sure that eventually liberal democracy would prevail everywhere. – Eu tinha certeza de que a democracia liberal haveria de prevalecer por toda a parte.

4. Use “um dia”, “algum dia”

Eventually he’ll change his mind. – Algum dia ele vai mudar de ideia.
Eventually they will come back home. – Um dia eles vão acabar voltando para casa.

Fonte: Vocabulando, de Isa Mara Lando.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. willem:

    Thanks again for a great lesson.
    Just a question about the trap of confusing words for none native speakers.
    I once caused a panic in a shop when I called my wife to tell her to say that the tomates were ‘barata’.
    Yesterday I made her laugh when I asked her “quer leite desnaturado?” And, when I just arrived in Brazil I asked our postman where I had to “assassinar”. By now I know the differences very well but, I would like to know if there are more ‘almost identical’ words with these complete different meanings?