Portuguese Language Blog

Word order in Portuguese Posted by on May 28, 2017 in Grammar, Learning, Vocabulary

Ordem das palavras em Português

Olá, gente! Hey, guys!

Like in English, the word order in Portuguese follows the organization: Sujeito > Verbo > Objeto | Subject > Verb > Object. But, of course, there are some slight differences. Not to worry, though! Today we’ll cover how the word order works in Portuguese. That way, you’ll learn how to put words together and build sentences in order to express yourself and communicate better. Below you can find some tips as to how the elements are disposed and take a look at some examples to compare and contrast with the English language.

1. Afirmação – Statement

You are simply expressing a fact or declaring something, so the order is very similar to English in this case. Look:

  • Meu vizinho é francês

My neighbor is French

  • Eu gosto de tomar uma cerveja depois do trabalho

I like to have a beer after work

  • Nós comemos muito macarrão no restaurante

We ate a lot of pasta at the restaurant

  • Ela foi pra Paris no verão

She went to Paris in the summer

2. Pergunta – Question

When we ask a question in Portuguese, there is no inversion of the word order like in English (also, there is not need for an auxiliary verb), so a question is structured exactly like a statement (Você perdeu – Você perdeu? | You lost – Did you lose?). In order to indicate that you are asking a question in spoken language, all you have to do is inflect the final word so it will sound like a question. Take a look:

  • Você está bem?

Are you okay?

  • Sua irmã está com raiva de mim?

Is your sister mad at me?

  • Os turistas da Itália chegam essa noite?

Are the tourists from Italy arriving tonight?

  • Vocês vão à festa?

Are you going to the party?

  • Você gosta de comida japonesa?

Do you like Japanese food?

  • Eles viajaram nas férias?

Did they travel on their vacation?

  • Ela irá com a gente?

Will she come with us?

  • Você pode comer camarão?

Can you eat shrimp?

  • Deveríamos chamar um táxi?

Should we order a cab?

3. Frases negativas – Negative sentences

The negative word (like não | no/not or nunca | never) is always placed before the verb in Portuguese. So all you have to do is insert the word before the verb appears (again, there is no need for auxiliary verbs). Look below:

  • Eu não estou em casa

I am not home

  • Eles não moram mais em São Paulo

They don’t live in São Paulo anymore

  • Meu marido não cozinhava bem quando nos casamos

My husband didn’t cook well when we got married

  • Ela não enxerga sem os óculos

She can’t see without her glasses

  • O restaurante não é longe

The restaurant is not far

  • Aquele hotel azul não é caro

That blue hotel is not expensive

  • Você não deve falar assim com seus pais

You should not talk to your parents like that

  • A viagem longa não foi tão cansativa

The long trip was not that tiresome

  • Minha secretária não marcou nada para amanhã

My secretary did not schedule anything for tomorrow

  • Eu não vou se você não for comigo

I won’t go if you don’t go with me

  • Não tínhamos dinheiro quando éramos jovens

We didn’t have any money when we were young

4. Frases com adjetivos – Sentences with adjectives

The noun comes before the adjective in Portuguese, therefore the opposite from English. If there is an intensifier like muito | very, we add it between the noun and the adjective. See the examples:  

  • Comprei uma blusa azul ontem

I bought a blue shirt yesterday

  • Você viu aquele menino lindo sorrindo para você?

Did you see that cute guy smiling at you?

  • Quando vocês vão limpar esse quarto sujo?

When are you going to clean up this dirty bedroom?

  • Preciso de um carro novo

I need a new car

  • My irmã tem aulas de kung fu às quintas

My sister has kung fu lessons on Thursdays

  • Não quero morar nesse bairro feio

I don’t want to live in this ugly neighborhood

  • Marcela é uma amiga muito leal

Marcela is a very loyal friend

  • É um livro muito interessante

It’s a very interesting movie

  • The professor was wearing an old leather jacket

O professor estava vestindo uma jaqueta de couro velha

  • Meus tios tem uma linda casa branca na praia

My aunt and uncle have a beautiful white house at the beach

  • Kill Bill é um filme muito violento

Kill Bill is a very violent movie

Tenham uma boa semana! Have a good week!

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  1. Steve:

    Great tutorial, as Portuguese syntax is one of the more difficult concepts to grasp as an English speaker. It would be helpful to have the English translations above in direct translation. For example, “The professor was wearing a jacket of leather old” or “The restaurant not is far”. It may sound strange, but mentally it subconsciously develops the right way of thinking.