Spanish Language Blog

“Aprendiendo a sentir”, un cuento. Posted by on Jun 21, 2012 in Spanish Vocabulary

¿Os gustan los cuentos? Leer es siempre una buena opción para aprender un lenguaje: ayuda a obtener vocabulario, mejora la comprensión, y se disfruta haciéndolo.  Estoy trabajando sobre cuentos con mis alumnos, así que pensé que quizá era buena idea compartir uno propio con vosotros. ¡Espero que lo disfrutéis!

Tan solo era un pequeño juguete de metal: vacío, lleno de aire donde debiese habitar un alma. Sin más necesidad que unas manos que le diesen la vida, y una sonrisa infantil que contemplase su milimetrado movimiento. No era su intención ser así, nunca fue su culpa; solo era una carcasa hueca, no podía albergar calor ni sentimiento. Día tras día pasaba dormido en su estante, rodeado de inventos extraños, y la única compañía del tic tac de su propio corazón. Puesto que era un autómata, solo una fría máquina le daba vida, impulsaba su cuerpo y le obligaba a vivir. Robaba el reposo a los días en que su creador olvidaba dar cuerda a su mecanismo, quedando relegado entre cachivaches y objetos varios. Pero aun así, era el orgullo de su inventor: preciso hasta el extremo en cuanto a las órdenes que recibía. Nada fallaba, ni un engranaje, ni la más mínima pieza en su maquinaria.

Un día, como tantos otros, recibió el impulso vital del inventor, y se prestó a hacer las delicias de una dama encopetada que visitaba la tienda. La acompañaba una joven doncella sufridora de los caprichos de su señora. Piel de terciopelo, un leve rubor tiñendo las mejillas de su carita de ángel, tuvo la osadía de cometer un desliz imperdonable: sonreír ante el movimiento del juguete. De manera fulminante, el pequeño autómata perdió el paso. Dio un traspié, mientras la insufrible dama reía a carcajadas, y temeroso ante la cara de enfado del inventor. En mitad del desconcierto por este fallo, alzó la vista, y se prendió de los ojos de la niña. Y con una tristeza inmensa, aunque por supuesto él ignoraba que estaba experimentando un sentimiento, vio surgir una lágrima. Y esa lágrima rodó por la mejilla, a la par que nuestro pequeño amigo avanzaba en su caída. Sin salir de su asombro, dio con sus tuercas en el suelo, justo en el mismo instante en que aquella gota de pena se volvió sangre para el autómata. Recibió la savia de la joven damisela sobre su ajado cuerpo. Mas esta sangre no fue portadora de vida, sino causante de muerte: el pequeño mecanismo que marcaba el tic tac de su corazón se ahogó…

Inspirado por “La mecánica del corazón”, del autor Mathias Malzieu

Do you like tales? Reading is always a good option to learn a language: it helps you to get vocabulary improves your comprehension, and you enjoy while doing it. I am working on fairy tales with my pupils, so I thought it was a good idea to share with you one of my authorship. I hope you like it!

“It was only a small toy of metal: empty, full of air where it must live a soul. Without more ado than the need of two hands to give him life and a childlike smile looking at his exact movement. It was not his intention to be like that, it was not his fault; he only was a hollow framework, he could shelter neither heat nor feelings. Day after day he spent asleep in his shelf surrounded by strange inventions, and with the only company of the tic tac of his own heart. As he was an automaton, it was only a cold machine that gave him life, drove his body and forced him to live. He stole his rest from the days in which his creator forgot to wound up his mechanism, remaining relegated between trinkets and different objects. But even being so, he was the pride of his inventor: extremely precise as for the orders he received. Nothing failed, neither a gear, nor the least piece in his machinery.

One day, similar to any other one, received the vital impulse of the inventor, and offered himself to do the delights of a haughty lady who was visiting the shop. A young woman was accompanying her, suffering all the caprices of her lady. Velvet skin, a slight blush on her sweet little face of angel’s cheeks, she had the audacity of committing an inexcusable slip: to smile when seeing the movement of the toy. In a fulminating way, the small automaton lost the step. He gave a stumble, while the unbearable lady was laughing heartily, and afraid of the face of anger of his inventor. In the confusion for this failure, he looked up, and was caught by the girl eyes. And with immense sadness, although he didn’t know that he was experiencing a feeling, a tear rose. And this tear rolled down his cheek, as our small friend went falling. In his amazement, it met his nuts in the soil, the same instant in which that drop of sorrow turned into blood for the automaton. He received the life of the young woman in his worn body. But this blood was not carrier of life, but cause of death: the small mechanism that marked the tic tac of his heart was drowned…”

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!


  1. movimientos de suelo:

    Como va? esto me parece bastante entretenido gracias