Spanish Language Blog

English Spanish Vocabulary – The Weather El tiempo (Part 2) Posted by on Sep 22, 2015 in Learning, Spanish Vocabulary

Today we are going to practice more useful Spanish vocabulary related to the weather.
Hoy vamos a practicar más vocabulario español útil relacionado con el tiempo.

Click here for the previous post looking at more vocabulary related to The Weather


Use the player below to listen to and repeat the pronunciation of the words in Spanish:

The Weather – El tiempo (Part 2)

Subir: to rise
Bajar: to drop
Las temperaturas están subiendo: temperatures are rising
Las temperaturas están bajando: temperatures are dropping
Bajo cero: below zero
Húmedo: humid
Humedad: humidity
Deshelar: to thaw
La brisa: breeze
La brisa marina: sea breeze
El vendaval: gale
Vientos de fuerza nueve: a force nine gale
La racha de viento: gust of wind
La noche helada: frosty night
Nubes y claros: cloudy with sunny spells
El nubarrón: thundercloud
La ola de calor: heat wave
Altas presiones: high pressure
Bajas presiones: low pressure
El anticiclón: area of high pressure
La borrasca: area of low pressure
Las precipitaciones: precipitation, rainfall
La ventisca: snowstorm, blizzard
La neblina: mist
La bruma: sea mist
Hace bochorno: it is muggy, it is sultry
La llovizna: drizzle
Lloviznar: to drizzle
Chubascos: showers
Chubascos de nieve: snow showers
Chubascos de aguanieve: sleet showers
Chubascos aislados: scattered showers
Caer aguanieve: to sleet
Cae aguanieve: it is sleeting
Despejar: to clear up
El rocío: dew
Las inundaciones: floods

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About the Author: Laura & Adam

Laura & Adam have been blogging and creating online Spanish courses for Transparent Language since 2010. Laura is from Bilbao in northern Spain and Adam is from Devon in the south of England. They lived together in Spain for over 10 years, where their 2 daughters were born, and now they live in Scotland. Both Laura & Adam qualified as foreign language teachers in 2004 and since have been teaching Spanish in Spain, the UK, and online.


  1. HC Jones:

    Thanks so much for your input to the blog.