Spanish Language Blog

Let’s move! Posted by on Aug 6, 2012 in Spanish Vocabulary

Moving is not always easy and sometimes it’s really necessary. Read the following dialogue between friends Helena and Silvia, who run into each other at the supermarket. Silvia is going to move and is super excited about it!

Some words and expressions are translated and explained with more examples too, ok?

Helena: Me he enterado de que se van a mudar.
Silvia: Así es. Encontramos un departamento muy bonito a una cuadra de aquí. ¡Es perfecto! Tiene un dormitorio más y la sala es más grande.
Helena: Ustedes realmente necesitaban más espacio, ¿no?
Silvia: De verdad que sí. Ya no había lugar para nada más.
Helena: Me alegra que se queden en el mismo barrio.
Silvia: A mí también. Estamos tan acostumbrados a este barrio que no podíamos imaginarnos vivendo en ningún otro.
Helena: Avísame si necesitan ayuda con la mudanza. Sabes que Jaime tiene una picap.

 ¿Te has enterado?

Me he enterado = I’ve found out, I’ve heard that. The verb phrase is enterarse de que (to find out, to hear that). Here are some other examples:

¿Te has enterado de que María ya no trabaja aquí? – informal
¿Se ha enterado de que María ya no trabaja aquí? – formal
[Have you heard that Marís doesn’t work here anymore?]

Mudar or mudarse?

Here are some useful collocations with the verb mudar:

mudar de piel = to shed their skin [snakes]
[alguien] mudar de voz = to break their voice [someone – usually a teenager]
mudar de opinión = to have a change of opinion

Mudarse means to move in or out of a house.

Se mudaron a una casa más grande. [They moved to a bigger house.]
¿Cuándo te vas a mudar? [When are you going to move?]


Alegrarse is a reflexive verb and it means “to be happy for someone or something”. Some examples:

Me alegra que hayas encontrado un novio. [I’m glad you’ve found a boyfriend.]
Se alegró mucho en verme. [She was very happy to see me.]

Acostumbrado a

Learning adjectives and the prepositions they come with is a great way to be more fluent in Spanish. The preposition a is used with lots of adjectives and acostumbrado a (used to) is very common in spoken Spanish.

No estoy acostumbrado a este tipo de cosa. [I’m not used to that kind of thing.]
Tendrás que acostumbrarse al frío si quieres vivir en Estados Unidos. [You’ll have to get used to the cold if you want to live in the USA.]


Avisarle a alguien means to let someone know about something. It also means to notify or to warn.

Te aviso si voy contigo. [I’ll let you know if I’m coming with you.]
¿Por qué no me avisaste que venías? [Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?]
Le avisaron que venía la policía. [They warned him the police was coming.]

Now, would you be able to translate the dialogue above?

The dialogue is from the book Fale Tudo em Espanhol.

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About the Author: Adir

English / Spanish teacher and translator for over 20 years. I have been blogging since 2007 and I am also a professional singer in my spare time.


  1. Sandy Allain:

    This is an interesting way to learn the Spanish language – good job Adir! I guess I have to try this technique in my future language study presentation.

  2. Adir Ferreira:

    Thank you, Sandy!

  3. Pauline Parker:

    I like this way of learning. It makes me try to use new language.
    Nos gustaría mudarse de casa y vivir en España. Pero es un gran paso para hacer, y no somos jóvenes. Tal vez cuando mi español es mejor! ¡Viva España!

  4. Libuse:

    I really like this way to learn new words and uses of Spanish.

  5. Malc:

    A nice short useful post. Great stuff Adir. Me gustaba mucho. Adios!