Spanish Language Blog

The Shadow of the Wind, by Carlos Ruiz Zafón: our suggested reading. Posted by on Oct 17, 2014 in Learning

¿Estás buscando algún nuevo libro que leer? ¿Una historia que te atrape y no te deje abandonar el libro hasta que lo termines? ¿Quieres conocer a un autor que construirá un lugar mágico para ti, de la misma forma que Gabriel García Márquez hizo con Macondo? ¿Un rincón lleno de misterio al que siempre desearás volver? Si tu respuesta es sí, continua leyendo…

Hace algunos años fui a una entrevista de trabajo, y hablando sobre mis hobbies, la persona que me entrevistaba me sugirió leer un libro de un tipo llamado Carlos Ruiz Zafón. No conseguí el trabajo, pero siempre le estaré agradecida por su recomendación. Así que permitidme que os presente La sombra del viento, y la increíble biblioteca que encontraréis en sus páginas.

La sombra del viento comienza en una oscura Barcelona tras la guerra civil, y nos cuenta la historia de un joven, Daniel Sampere, que es conducido por su padre a una biblioteca secreta, el Cementerio de los libros olvidados. Una vez allí, se le permite elegir un libro, que protegerá toda su vida. Daniel escoge La sombra del viento, una novela escrita por el enigmático Julian Caraz. Tras su lectura, Daniel se verá envuelto en una oscura búsqueda para encontrar información sobre la tragedia del autor, y la insólita desaparición de todas las novelas de Carax a manos de un misterioso extraño que se llama como uno de los personajes de dicho autor.

A este joven Sherlock español le echará un capote en su búsqueda un personaje fascinante, el ingenioso y siempre alegre Fermín Romero de Torres, un antiguo mendigo con demasiado cariño a los problemas. (Me encanta, tengo miles de citas subrayadas de sus discursos…). Con su ayuda, Daniel descubrirá una historia de asesinatos, locura, corrupción y secretos que deberían permanecer sin desvelar. Y también conocerá los distintos rostros del amor.

Para terminar esta breve nota sobre el libro, dejad que comparta las palabras de Michael Dirda en El Washington Post:

“… cualquiera que disfrute una novela que sea de miedo, erótica, conmovedora, trágica y apasionante debería salir corriendo a la librería más cercana y hacerse con La sombra del viento. De veras, debería.”

P.d. ¿Lo has leído ya? Si tu respuesta es si… ¿cuál es tu cita favorita? ¡Sería genial si la compartieses con nosotros!

la sombra del viento

Are you looking for a new book to read? A story that catches you and doesn´t let you leave the book until you finish it? Do you want to meet an author who will build a magical place for you, in the same way that Gabriel García Marquez did with Macondo? A place full of mystery where you will always want to return? If your answer is yes, keep on reading…

Some years ago I went to a job interview, and talking about my hobbies, my interviewer suggested me to read a book by someone called Carlos Ruiz Zafon. I didn´t got the job, but I will be always grateful for his recommendation. So let me introduce you to The Shadow of the Wind, and the amazing library you´ll find in its pages.

The Shadow of the Wind is set in a dark, post civil war Barcelona, and it tells the story of a young boy, Daniel Sempere, who is taken by his father to a secret library, the Cemetery of Forgotten Books. One there, he is allowed to select a book that he will protect for life. Daniel picks The Shadow of the Wind, a novel written by the enigmatic Julián Carax. After its reading, Daniel will be engaged in a gothic quest searching for information about the author´s tragedy, and the weird disappearance of all of Carax´s novels at the hands of a mysterious stranger named after one of the author´s characters.

This young Spanish Sherlock will be aided in his quest by a fascinating character, the witty and always good-humored Fermin Romero de Torres, a former beggar very fond of troubles. (I really love him, I have thousands of quotes highlighted from his speeches…) With his help, Daniel will uncover a story of murder, madness, corruption and secrets that should remain untold. And he will also know the different faces of love.

Just to end this brief note about the book, let me share Michael Dirda´s words in The Washington Post:

“… anyone who enjoys novels that are scary, erotic, touching, tragic and thrilling should rush right out to the nearest bookstore and pick up The Shadow of the Wind. Really, you should. “

Postscript: Have you already read it? If yes… what´s your favorite quote? It will be great if you shared it with us!

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About the Author: Magda

Hi all! I’m Magda, a Spanish native speaker writing the culture posts in the Transparent Language Spanish blog. I have a Bachelor’s in English Philology and a Master’s in Linguistics and Literature from the University of Granada, in Spain. I have also completed a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, and then worked as an English teacher in several schools and academies for several years. Last year was my first at university level. In addition, I work as a private tutor, teaching English and Spanish as a foreign language to students and adults. In my free time, I’m an avid reader and writer, editing and collaborating in several literary blogs. I have published my first poetry book recently. And last but not least, I love photography!