Temporal adverbs in Arabic (2) ظرف الزمان Posted by Hanan Ben Nafa on Dec 4, 2020 in Arabic Language, Grammar
Welcome to the second part of this blog post. We’re still focusing on temporal adverbs. You can catch up and read the previous post – the first part – by clicking here.
In the last post, we started learning about adverbs in Arabic and started focusing on the first type, which is temporal adverbs ظروف الزّمان
We learnt that there are 3 main types of temporal adverbs, depending on the function each type serves in relation to time.
These types are:
A specific reference to time إشارة محدّدة للوقت.
The duration of the verb مدة حدوث الفعل .
The extent of the frequency of the verb/action مدى تكرار الفعل/ الحدث
You can revise the adverbs that fall under the first type, in the previous blog post. In today’s post, we’re going to focus on the other 2 types.
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Duration of the verb مدة حدوث الفعل
This type of temporal adverbs refers to how long an action lasted كم استمر حدوث الفعل.
for a day يومًا
for a year عامًا
Examples in sentences:
جلست في المكتبة ساعةً
I sat in the library for an hour
استمعت إلى المذياع فترةً
I listened to the radio for a while
ًلم أسافرإلّا شهرًا
I didn’t travelled but a month
Popular adverbs:
for a moment لحظةً
For a while فترةً
for a day يومًا
for a week أسبوعًا
for a month شهرًا
for a year عامًا
a lifetime دهرًا
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The extent of the frequency of the action مدى تكرار الفعل/ الحد
This type of temporal adverbs refers to how often an action occurs or how frequent it is.
Often غالبًا
Never أبدًا
Examples in sentences:
أزور جدتي أحيانًا
I sometimes visit my grandmother
I visit my grandmother sometimes
يريد أحمد أن يكون الأفضل دائمًا
Ahmed always wants to be the best
لا تأكل فاطمة اللحوم أبدًا
Fatima never eats meat
Popular adverbs:
Never أبدًا
Rarely نادرًا
Usually عادةً
Sometimes أحيانًا
Often غالبًا
Always دائمًا
every كلَّ
(Everyday) كلّ يوم*
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Fill in the gaps in the Arabic sentences below and specifically focus on putting the correct adverb (based on the English translation of the sentence):
I haven’t been to the zoo since the death of my cat
……… لم …….…. ……… حديقة الحيوان …… موت
I’m going to leave this city next week
سأغادر …… المدينة …….. القادم
…….. لم ………. أي …….. ………. رجوعي من
I haven’t eaten anything after coming back from college.
……. ما أصل ….. …….. عملي ………
I rarely arrive at my workplace late
…….. يجب …. ننتظر ……….. كاملين …… حجز
We have to wait for two full months, before booking the tickets.
أحب أن ………. أكلي من ……. المحليّة ………
I sometimes like to buy my food from the local markets
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Correct Answers
الإجابات الصحيحة
لم أذهب إلى حديقة الحيوان منذ موت قطتي
سأغادر هذه المدينة الأسبوع القادم
لم آكل أي شيء بعد رجوعي من الكليّة
نادرًا ما أصل إلى مكان عملي متأخرًا
يجب أن ننتظر شهرين كاملين قبل حجز التذاكر
أحيانا أحب أن أشتري أكلي من الأسواق المحليّة
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I hope you found this post useful 😉

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Mehmet Ali Özkılınç:
Thank you very much for your postings. They are very useful.
I hope it’ll continue .
Best wishes.
Again and again thank you very much.🌹🌹🌷
@Mehmet Ali Özkılınç You’re very welcome, Mehmet. Really glad you’re finding the posts helpful 😊