Italian Language Blog

Il Coronavirus in Italia Posted by on Mar 6, 2020 in Italian Language, News

Che cosa fa il governo italiano per aiutare la situazione con il nuovo Coronavirus in Italia? Diamo un’occhiata..

What is the Italian government doing to help the  situation with the new Coronavirus in Italy? Let’s take a look..

The website is helping to disseminate information, such as numbers of current infections and deaths, recommendations for how to help contain the spread of the virus as well as other important information about the virus and current situation.

Some simple recommendations the Minister of Health says all Italians should follow are as seen in the picture above:

  1. Lavati spesso le mani con acqua e sapone o usa un gel a base alcolica (Wash your hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer)
  2. Non toccarti occhi, naso e bocca con le mani (Don’t touch your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands)
  3. Evita le stretti di mano e gli abbracci fino a quando questa emergenza sara’ finita (Avoid shaking hands and hugging until this emergency is over)
  4. Se hai sintomi simili all’influenza resta a casa, non recarti al pronto soccorso o presso gli studi medici, ma contatta il medico di medicina generale, i pediatri di liberta scelta, la guardia medica o i numeri regionali  (If you have symptoms of the flu, stay at home, do not go to the emergency room or to the doctors’ office, but contact the general practitioner, pediatricians of your choice, the medical guard, or the regional numbers)
  5. Copri bocca e naso con fazzoletti monouso quando starnutisci o tossisci. Altrimenti usa la piega del gomito (Cover your mouth and nose with single-use tissues when your sneeze or cough. Otherwise, use the crease of your elbow)
  6. Evita luoghi affollati (Avoid crowded places)
  7. Evita contatti ravvicinati mantenendo la distanza di almeno un metro (Avoid close contact by keeping a distance of at least one meter)

Amadeus (an Italian TV and radio presenter) talks about some tips below in the video “Aiutamoci l’un con l’altro” (Let’s help one another)

Sono state adottate le seguenti misure di contenimento (The following containment measures have been taken):

  • Sospensione, sino all’8 marzo 2020, degli eventi e delle competizini sportive di ogni ordine e disciplina, in luoghi pubblici o privati (Suspension, until March 8th 2020, of sport events and competitions of every order and discipline in public and private places)
  • Sospensione, sino all’8 marzo 2020, di tutte le manifestazioni e degli eventi, sia in luogo pubblico che privato; cinema’, teatri, discoteche, cerimonie religiose (Suspension, until March 8th 2020, of all manifestations and events, both in public and private places; movie theaters, theaters, nightclubs, religious ceremonies)
  • Sospensione, sino al 15 marzo 2020, dei servizi educativi dell’infanzia e delle attivita’ didattiche nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado (Suspension, until March 15th 2020, of educational services for children and educational activities in schools of all levels)
  • Limitazione dell’accesso dei visitatori alle aree di degenza (Restriction of visitor access to hospitalization areas)
  • Rigorosa limitazione dell’accesso dei visitatori agli ospiti nelle residenze sanitarie assistenziali per non autosufficienti (Strict limitation of visitor access to guests in nursing homes for the non self-sufficient)
  • Musei e luoghi di cultura, bar, pub, ristorazioni sono aperti; i visitatori devono poter rispettare la distanza di almeno un metro fra di loro (Museums and places of culture, cafes, pubs, and restaurants are open; visitors have to be able to respect the distance of at least a meter between themselves) 

Here’s to hoping that as the month continues these restrictions and recommendations will help slow the spread in Italy, and things can return to normal. Siamo con voi, italiani! 

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About the Author: Bridgette

Just your average Irish-American Italo-Francophone. Client Engagement for Transparent Language.


  1. Maryame chayat:

    Thank you for sharing

  2. Maryame chayat:

    We are next!!

  3. IIaria Rosiello:


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