Italian Language Blog

La Bella Addormentata – Part 4 Posted by on Jan 31, 2018 in Italian Language

Here’s part 4 of my translation into Italian of La Bella Addormentata (Sleeping Beauty). Buona lettura!

Part 4.

Many a long year afterwards there came a king’s son into that country, and heard an old man tell how there should be a castle standing behind the hedge of thorns, and that there a beautiful enchanted princess named Rosamond had slept for a hundred years, and with her the king and queen, and the whole court.

Tanti, tanti anni dopo in quel Paese arrivò un principe, e udì un vecchio raccontare come dietro alla siepe di spine si ergesse un castello, e una bella principessa di nome Rosaspina dormisse là da cento anni per un incantesimo, e con lei il re e la regina, e tutta la corte.

The old man had been told by his grandfather that many king’s sons had sought to pass the thorn-hedge, but had been caught and pierced by the thorns, and had died a miserable death. Then said the young man: “Nevertheless, I do not fear to try; I shall win through and see the lovely Rosamond.” The good old man tried to dissuade him, but he would not listen to his words.

Suo nonno aveva raccontato al vecchio che molti principi avevano cercato di superare il roveto, ma erano stati catturati e bucati dalle spine, ed erano morti di una morte miserevole. Allora il giovane disse: “Ciononostante, io non ho timore di provare; ce la farò e vedrò la bellissima Rosaspina.” Il buon vecchio provò a dissuaderlo, ma lui non gli dette ascolto.

Quando il principe si avvicinò al roveto, esso si mutò in una siepe di bellissimi fiori … Illustration by Gustave Dore, engraved by H. Pisan, Public Domain

For now the hundred years were at an end, and the day had come when Rosamond should be awakened. When the prince drew near the hedge of thorns, it was changed into a hedge of beautiful large flowers, which parted and bent aside to let him pass, and then closed behind him in a thick hedge.

Proprio allora si compivano i cento anni, ed era giunto il giorno in cui Rosaspina si sarebbe dovuta svegliare. Quando il principe si avvicinò al roveto, esso si mutò in una siepe di bellissimi fiori, che si divisero e piegarono via per farlo passare, e poi si richiusero dietro a lui formando una spessa siepe.

When he reached the castle-yard, he saw the horses and brindled hunting-dogs lying asleep, and on the roof the pigeons were sitting with their heads under their wings. And when he came indoors, the flies on the wall were asleep, the cook in the kitchen had his hand uplifted to strike the scullion, and the kitchen-maid had the black fowl on her lap ready to pluck.

Giunto nel cortile del castello, vide i cavalli e i cani da caccia tigrati addormentati, e sul tetto i piccioni erano appollaiati con la testa sotto l’ala. E quando entrò, le mosche sul muro erano addormentate, il cuoco in cucina aveva la mano sollevata per colpire lo sguattero, e la serva aveva il pollo nero in grembo pronta a spennarlo.

End of Part 4.

You can read all the other chapters by clicking on the following links:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 5

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  1. John:

    Hi, the text size in this post is so small it is unreadable and I am using a full size desk monitor…..
    Not the first time.

    • Geoff:

      @John Ciao John,
      The main body of text is exactly the same as always: 12 point Calibri.
      We never use anything smaller than 12 point. Therefore I suggest that you check your settings.

      Saluti da Geoff.

      • John:

        @Geoff Could be your email client. Suggest you open it up in your browser by clicking the embedded link in the title.

  2. Christine Percival:

    Ciao Serena!
    What an absolutely splendid job you did with this fairytale. You and Geoff are an incredible inspiration with all of your grammar tips, stories, images, I don’t know what we would do without you!!! it is one of my favorite ways to study Italian ~~ always fresh and new, never wears out – You are loved

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