Italian Language Blog

Pitone Sbuca dal Water Posted by on Jul 16, 2010 in News

A few days ago I wrote about my morning routine, and my need for una tazzina di caffè to bring me out of the world of dormiveglia. Imagine emerging from bed and stumbling into the bathroom  for your morning ablutions only to see a python pop its head up out of the toilet, now that would certainly wake me up!

Well sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Here is an abridged version of an article that recently appeared in the newspaper:

Pitone reale sbuca dal water.
Salvato dagli esperti dell’Enpa (Ente Nazionale Protezione Animale).
Il serpente ha messo fuori la testa: panico tra gli inquilini, poi il recupero. Forse gettato di proposito

Royal python pops up out of the toilet. Saved by the Enpa (National Organisation for Animal Protection) experts.
The snake stuck its head out:
Panic amongst the tenants, then the rescue. Possibly thrown in the toilet on purpose.
MILANO – A prima vista ha tutta l’aria della leggenda metropolitana, un po’ come il coccodrillo albino delle fogne di New York. E invece è successo davvero, certificato dalle fotografie e dal referto dei veterinari dell’Enpa di Milano. Milano – At first look it has all the makings of a metropolitan legend, a bit like the albino crocodile in the sewers of New York. But in fact it really happened, certified by the photos and the report of the vets working for Enpa Milano
Il pitone reale nelle tubature di scarico di un condominio c’era davvero, e ha anche rischiato di fare una brutta fine. The royal python really was in the drainpipes of a condominium, and it nearly met a nasty end.
Da qualche giorno qualcosa non andava negli scarichi, e qualcuno ha detto di aver avvistato un serpente. In pochi ci hanno creduto finché lunedì mattina, dal water di uno degli appartamenti, ha fatto capolino proprio un bell’esemplare di pitone reale.  For some days something had been amiss with the drains, and someone said that they had seen a snake. Few had believed it until Monday morning when a lovely example of a royal python poked its head up from the toilet of one of the apartments.
Ha messo fuori la testa un attimo e poi è sparito nuovamente, lasciando attoniti gli occupanti dell’appartamento, che non credevano ai loro occhi. L’avvistamento ha suscitato subito molto scalpore e un po’ di paura tra gli abitanti del palazzo, che hanno chiamato l’Enpa di Milano e un idraulico. It put its head out for a moment, then it disappeared again, leaving the occupants of the apartment astonished, they couldn’t believe their eyes. The sighting immediately created a sensation and a bit of fear amongst the inhabitants of the building, who called Milan’s Enpa and a plumber.
Grazie al tempestivo intervento dell’esperto, il serpente di circa un metro è stato estratto dallo scarico del water e consegnato ai volontari dell’Enpa. Thanks to the speedy response of the expert, the snake, which was about a meter long, was extracted from the drainage tube of the toilet and handed over to the Enpa volunteers.
GETTATO DI PROPOSITO – Non sono ancora state chiarite le modalità con le quali l’animale sia potuto arrivare agli scarichi, anche se purtroppo l’ipotesi più plausibile è quella che qualcuno, per sbarazzarsene, abbia deciso di gettarlo nello scarico, proprio come il leggendario coccodrillo albino. Per fortuna il povero pitone ha combattuto strenuamente la sua battaglia per la vita. THROWN AWAY ON PURPOSE- It’s still not clear how the animal was able to get into the drainage pipes, but unfortunately the most plausible hypothesis is that someone decided to throw it down the toilet in order to get rid of it, just like the legendary albino crocodile.
Luckily the poor python strenuously battled to stay alive.
Dopo essere stato visitato e lavato, il serpente è stato finalmente sistemato al caldo, dove ha ripreso un po’ di calore e vigore. Nei prossimi giorni si potrà valutare se l’avventura sia davvero a lieto fine oppure le sofferenze patite nello scarico possano aver causato danni irreversibili al povero animale. After having been checked out and washed, the snake was finally put in a hot place where it warmed up and came to life a bit. Over the following days it will be possible to evaluate whether the adventure really will have a happy ending, or if the suffering endured in the drains might have caused irreversible damage to the poor animal.
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  1. Joan:

    Hi, Serena!

    By coincidence, our Italian teacher read us that same article aloud a couple of weeks ago to help us practice oral comprehension. Do you happen to know by now what became of the poor python?


    • serena:

      @Joan Ciao Joan, As usual with little stories that appear in the news, one rarely finds out how things ended because they’re only of short term interest. Now if the snake had appeared in Berlusconi’s toilet, capirai, we’d all hear about it for weeks!

      A presto, Serena

  2. andreas:

    Salve, Serena

    Povero animale!
    Si deve pensare molto prima di comprare qualche animalino per tenerlo in casa. A proposito, hai un animale domestico? Io ho un piccolo pappagallo.

    • serena:

      @andreas Salve Andreas, di animali domestici abbiamo soltanto un sacco di ragni. Ci fa pena distruggere le loro ragnatele! Poi ci liberano dalle mosche.

      A presto, Serena

  3. Jeannet:

    Ciao Serena,

    Quel ‘real’ story, such things could happen us;
    finalmente it is’not only the poor pithon straniously
    battled to stay alive, being rescued meanwhile,
    also the inhabitant now are strained visiting their
    toilet. I quess it could have been an action of
    revenge, one does’n throw away an domestic animal like that ? whatever,…. shivering!


  4. Ted Taormina:

    Wow Serena, I read the blog about your favorite coffee maker and I have to tell you that I have the exact same one. It’s the Moka express by Bialetti and of course made in Italy. Just enough for one cup. Although I have never taken it on a trip you have certainly given me an idea. I had to smile when you describe making your coffee. Just the exact amount of water and served straight up and very hot. That’s the way I have it too. Wonderful! The only difference is I have mine in the evening after supper so I can savor and enjoy it more. My mornings are a bit rushed and I don’t want to rush my expresso. I sure do enjoy your blogs. Keep them coming. Sincerely, Ted Taormina

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