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Smells Life Teen Spirit: Latin Edition II Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Nov 24, 2020

Salvete Omnes, With Thanksgiving just around the corner in the United States, I could have written a blog about all the facets of Thanksgiving-like traditions that the Roman had. However, in all honesty, the idea of ONLY one event/day/celebration to celebrate the discovery of their home, “defeating” their new homes’ inhabitants, and giving thanks for…
Latin Grammar: Pronouns Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Sep 30, 2020

Salvete Omnes, Let us return to some basics. In preparation for some future translations, let us review the Latin Pronouns. Pronouns are used as Nouns or as Adjectives. Pronouns have special declension forms, which may vary between substantive and adjectival use. They are divided into seven classes: Personal Pronouns: ego, I. Latin has cases we…
Saying Goodbye to Man’s Best Friend Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Aug 31, 2020

Salvete Omnes, There comes a time in every dog owner’s life when their beloved friend and family member is ready for the rainbow journey (as I have heard it called). This connection to our beloved doggie pets is not a new or modern attachment but one that has traces throughout history and of course…
Latin Language in Hamilton Musical Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Jul 29, 2020

Salvete Omnes, The sensational historical musical that has been a smash hit on both Broadway and now in most people’s homes thanks to Disney+. The musical is based on the 2004 biography Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow with the twist of rap, hip-hop and other modernization that only the Lin-Manuel Miranda could dream. Alexander Hamilton is…
Roman Pen Reveals Latin Joke Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Aug 26, 2019

Savlete Omnes Earlier this month, this news broke and I just had to cover it and review the Latin on the pen! The Bloomberg dig took place between 2010 and 2014 and uncovered some 14,000 artifacts, which archaeologists are still working through including this exciting find! This stylus or pen’s inscription was exceptionally difficult to…
Hobbitvs Ille: Part IV Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Dec 31, 2018

Homework Just in case you are catching this post late. We are on the final translation of the first sentence from the beginning of Hobbitvs Ille: in foramine terrae habitabat *hobbitus: nec foedum,sordidum madidumque foramen, nec extremis lumbricorum atque odore caenoso impletum, nec etiam foramen aridum, inane, harenosum, in quo nihil erat ad considendum aut edendum aptum; immo…
Hobbitvs Ille: Part III Posted by Brittany Britanniae on Nov 28, 2018

Salvete Omnes! Homework It is from the beginning of Hobbitvs Ille: in foramine terrae habitabat *hobbitus: nec foedum,sordidum madidumque foramen, nec extremis lumbricorum atque odore caenoso impletum, nec etiam foramen aridum, inane, harenosum, in quo nihil erat ad considendum aut edendum aptum; immo foramen-hobbitum, ergo commodum. Vocabulary: hobbitus is an invented word for this adaptation meaning “Hobbit”…