Portuguese Language Blog

How to use ‘render’ in Portuguese Posted by on Jul 31, 2020 in Culture, Grammar, Learning, Vocabulary

Olá amigos leitores! Hello, readers! Are you guys still working from home or are you back in the office? Many people complain about home office claiming that o trabalho não rende tanto (work is not as productive), do you agree? But before answering this question, it is important to understand the meaning of the verb render in Portuguese, which has many nuances and usage possibilities. That’s right, it is time for another text that explores in detail some Portuguese language term, and render definitely deserves our attention. Vamos nessa?

First of all, let’s get one thing straight: beware of false friends. Even though render has many meanings, the translation of its homonym in English (to render) is not one of them! Let’s take a look at the sentences below to have a better understanding:

  • A atriz se rendeu aos elogios da imprensa | The actress gave in to the praise of the press
  • Um guerreiro jamais se rende em uma batalha | A warrior never surrenders in battle
  • O rendimento anual da empresa ficou comprometido | The company’s annual income has been compromised
  • Rendo muito pouco quando trabalho em casa | I am not very productive when I work from home
  • Fui dormir cedo, mas eles renderam assunto a noite toda!  | I went to bed early, but they were chatting all night!

We can see at least three different uses for render above, and each of them quite different from the other. But don’t be alarmed, let’s focus on some more sample sentences to clear things up.

The verb ‘render’ has multiple meanings in Portuguese (Photo by Imagem de Nattanan Kanchanaprat por Pixabay)

Render no sentido de ceder, desistir ou se entregar | as in giving in, giving up, surrendering 

  • Me rendo diante de seu sorriso | I surrender to your smile
  • Os assaltantes demoraram a se render para a polícia | The robbers took a while to give themselves in to the police
  • Não vou me render ao sono, eu consigo terminar o trabalho ainda hoje | I will not give in to sleep, I know can finish this job today
  • Não confio nele, na última vez ele se rendeu logo no primeiro obstáculo | I don’t trust him, the last time he gave up at the first obstacle

Render no sentido de lucrar, prosperar, valer | as in profit, prosper or earn

  • Sempre guardo meu dinheiro na poupança, assim ele rende um pouco a cada mês | I always send money to my savings account, so I earn a little each month
  • Comprei cinquenta reais de frutas e legumes na feira, olha só o tanto que o dinheiro rendeu! | I got fifty reais worth of fruits and vegetables at the farmer’s market, check out how much I was able to buy!

Render no sentido de produzir, produtividade | as in being productive

  • Estou bem cansado, por isso não tenho rendido quase nada | I am very tired, so I have been very unproductive today
  • Acordei com muita disposição, meu rendimento vai ser ótimo! | I woke up feeling great today, I feel like my productivity levels will be high!

Render no sentido de duração ou dar | as in long duration or yield results

  • Não gosto de primeiros encontros, normalmente as conversas não rendem nada | I don’t like first dates, conversations usually lag after a while
  • Acho que nossa parceria vai render bons frutos | I think our partnership will pay off

Render no sentido de ser suficiente | as being enough

  • Com essa quantidade de farinha, a receita rende 4 porções | With this amount of flour, the recipe serves 4 people
  •  Cozinhei bastante arroz e feijão, isso deve render a semana toda |  I cooked a lot of rice and beans, this should be enough for the week

Have you ever heard or used render before? Make sure to  leave your comment! Espero que o texto tenha rendido assunto. Até mais!


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  1. Neet Law:

    Vamo-nos render às evidências e tomar um banho no rio.

    Adorei este post! Bravo!

    • carol:

      @Neet Law Ótimo uso do verbo ‘render’!
      Muito obrigada e fico feliz que você lê nosso blog 🙂