Tag Archives: listening practice
[Portuguese listening/reading practice] – A melhor coisa do avião Posted by carol on Jul 31, 2017

Olá, pessoal! Hey, guys! Today we’ll have another installment of our Portuguese listening/reading practice series. Hope you are enjoying them! The text is called A melhor coisa do avião é o que ele ainda não tem (The best thing about an airplane is what it still hasn’t got) again by Brazilian comedian Gregório Duvivier from…
[Portuguese listening/reading practice] – Uma hora de relógio Posted by carol on Jul 20, 2017

[Atividade de escuta e leitura em Português] Oi, gente! Hi, everybody! Let’s have another part of our series Portuguese listening/reading practice with the text “Uma hora de relógio” by Brazilian writer, actor and comedian Gregório Duvivier, taken from his column from the newspaper Folha de São Paulo. It is a very interesting and amusing text to…
[Portuguese listening/reading practice] – Ruídos Posted by carol on Jun 26, 2017
[Atividade de escuta e leitura em Português] Ei, galera! Hey guys! Today is another installment of our series Portuguese listening and reading practice, with the text “Ruídos” (Noises), again by the notorious Brazilian author Luís Fernando Veríssimo, taken from his book O mundo é bárbaro (The World is Barbaric). It is a short story about the…
[Portuguese listening/reading practice] – O primeiro dia Posted by carol on May 31, 2017
[Atividade de escuta e leitura em Português] Olá, galera! Hey, you guys! Today we are going to practice some listening and reading skills. We are going over the text “O Primeiro Dia” (The First Day) extracted from the short story collection Comédias Brasileiras de Verão (Brazilian Summer Comedies) by beloved Brazilian author and comedian Luís Fernando…
Listening Practice: São Paulo Graffiti Documentary Posted by Rachel on Aug 27, 2009
Today, we’re going to do a listening comprehension activity with a great thirteen minute documentary on graffiti art in São Paulo. Watch the video clicking the link above (which has subtitles) and then take a look at the questions to see how well you picked up on vocabulary in the video. Photo: Alexandre Orion (artist…