Open and Closed: Verbs With -крыть in Russian Posted by Maria on Mar 27, 2017 in language
Открыть (to open) is one of the first Russian verbs we learn. In fact, its conjugation was covered extensively on this blog. There are many related verbs with the -кры- root whose meaning has to do with opening or closing something. I will be listing the imperfective and perfective form for each verb.
The basic meaning of открыть is literally to open something. It can also refer to opening a store or an office. Note that открыть is transitive and needs a direct object (“открыть магазин” — to open a shop/store), whereas открыться is intransitive (“магазин открылся” — the shop/store has opened). However, this verb is also used metaphorically to mean “to discover something.”
Сомнительно, чтобы Исаак Ньютон открыл закон тяготения, глядя на падающее яблоко.
I doubt Isaac Newton discovered the law of gravitation by watching an apple fall.
[В. Лысцов. Язык наследственности. Как был расшифрован генетический код // «Химия и жизнь», 1965]
Закрыть is the opposite of открыть and means “to close.” Закрыться is used reflexively to talk about a business closing. Закрыть can also mean to block something from view.
В среднем большие извержения происходят каждые 5―6 лет. Во время них облака пепла поднимаются на высоту нескольких километров и закрывают весь небосвод.
On average, large eruptions happen every 5 to 6 years. During the eruptions, ash clouds rise several kilometers high and block the entire sky.
[Александр Инвентаж. В краю вулканов и гейзеров // «Зеркало мира», 2012]
Раскрыть could be translated as “uncover.” It may be said about uncovering some secrets. It could also be said about solving a mystery or a crime.
Чего ж удивляться, что вы преступления не раскрываете.
It’s not surprising you can’t solve any crimes.
[Александра Маринина. Последний рассвет (2013)]
Скрыть is a more formal way of saying “to hide.” It may also be used as a reflexive verb to say someone fled or disappeared (“водитель скрылся с места происшествия” — the driver fled the scene of the accident).
Долго и тщательно она скрывала ото всех их отношения.
For a long time, she carefully hid their relationship from everyone.
[Людмила Улицкая. Пиковая дама (1995-2000)]
Покрыть means “to cover.” This may refer to physically putting on thing on top of another or to including something in the scope.
Полученная в 2003 году прибыль не покрыла убыток.
The profit made in 2003 did not cover our losses.
[Л. В. Иванова. Не поддайтесь соблазну (2004) // «Учет, налоги, право», 2004.08.03]
Перекрыть can refer to the blocking of a road to traffic (“перекрыть трассу” — to block a highway). It can also refer to cutting off utilities (“перекрыть газ” — to shut off gas).
Жильцы грозили саботировать выборы и перекрыть федеральную железную дорогу.
The residents were threatening to sabotage the elections and to block a federal railroad.
[Анатолий Шведов, Дарья Быстрова. Отмороженная страна (2003) // «Известия», 2003.01.09]

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