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Archive for 'For Learners'

Introducing Chinese ILR 3+ Cohort Lessons Posted by on Oct 25, 2021 in For Learners, New in CL-150 Cohorts

cl-150 cohort chinese ilr 3+ vocab

When you enroll in a CL-150 Cohort, you receive a new sustainment lesson every week at your ILR level. But what makes those lessons “at level”? Let’s take a look at the new Mandarin Chinese ILR 3+ lesson stream to see the choices made to ensure lessons are sufficiently challenging for your specific proficiency level…

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Import Custom Vocab Lists in the CL-150 Platform Posted by on Sep 30, 2021 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers

Using an online flashcard system but want your learning time tracked? Keeping a list of new words in your Notes app that you never revisit? Still making paper flashcards (gasp!) and want something way more efficient? Import your vocab lists to make custom vocab lessons in the CL-150 Platform! Using an Excel template, it takes…

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New to the CL-150 Platform? Posted by on Aug 9, 2021 in For Instructors, For Learners, For Program Managers

It’s peak PCS/transfer season, which means lots of newcomers to the CL-150 Platform. (Welcome!) With acquisition and sustainment materials for USG linguists, reports for program managers, and class management and lesson authoring for instructors… there’s a lot going on in the CL-150! If you or your linguists are looking to get up to speed ASAP…

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Important Update to Cohort Weekly Lesson Streams Posted by on Jul 8, 2021 in For Learners, For Program Managers

Due to sponsorship changes, CL-150 Cohort lesson streams, other than higher level Mandarin, will begin re-issuing past lessons starting July 12. Mandarin Chinese Cohort lesson streams at ILR 2+, 3, and now 3+ will receive a new lesson every week. All Cohort subscribers will continue to receive a weekly lesson every Monday, either new or…

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3 things you didn’t know you could do with Learned Vocab Posted by on Jun 7, 2021 in For Learners

cl-150 add learned vocab from lesson

By the time you reach ILR 2, you’ve likely learned at least 2,000 words and phrases in the target language. 😨 If you’re refreshing your Learned Vocab periodically, it’s easy to stay on top it all. But what about all the new words and phrases you encounter throughout the day? You know, the ones you…

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Create a sustainment routine. Posted by on May 12, 2021 in For Learners, For Program Managers

Use it or lose it. You already know that’s true of your physical abilities: muscles atrophy, V02 max decreases. Without regular use, your language skills will drop off too. To maintain proficiency, you need the right fuel, the right form, a routine, and of course motivation. If you missed our webinar on this topic, watch…

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Vocab vs. grammar: where to begin? Posted by on May 5, 2021 in For Learners

You have limited time to study your target language. How should you spend it? ⌛️ Start with vocabulary. We don’t just mean memorize a big list of words. Read on to find out what we mean, or join us Wednesday, May 12 at 2pm EDT to discuss why vocab is crucial no matter your language…

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