Danish Language Blog

Archive for October, 2017

Happy Anniversaries and Stuff Posted by on Oct 31, 2017

Life is full of anledninger (opportunities, occasions) to fejre (celebrate) – and also sometimes to sørge [serw-eh] (mourn). Here’s a small guide to help you choose some kind words for your Danish friends’ great life events. Let’s start with the sad part: When somebody has lost a loved one, a decent way of showing your…

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5 Senses in Danish Posted by on Oct 24, 2017

In order to learn Danish you need to keep both ører (ears) and øjne (eyes) open. To get the full cultural oplevelse (experience), however, you have to engage alle dine fem sanser (all your five senses). Høresans (sense of hearing) or hørelse [hur-l-seh]. Hører du hvad jeg siger? [hur do va yi seeor] (Do you…

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How to Survive Denmark’s Dark Days Posted by on Oct 14, 2017

How many årstider (seasons) has Denmark got? Two, says an article I read: the Golden Summer and the Great Murk. On the one hand, you’ve got the nice hot time of the year with plenty of festivaler (festivals), garden parties and family trips to stranden (the beach). On the other hand, you’ve got the long, dark…

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