Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: bøg

Trees of Denmark Posted by on May 16, 2018

Bøgen er sprunget ud! (The beech has come into leaf!) It’s always a great begivenhed (happening) when Denmark’s national tree gets its first blade (leaves) after the long, leafless vinter season. Skove (forests) all across the realm turn breathtakingly lysegrøn (light green), hvide anemoner (white anemones) bloom between the rødder (roots – rod in the…

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The Thousand Joys of Spring Posted by on Mar 31, 2014

Spring has come to Denmark, and even indoor fanatics can’t help noticing that leaves are sprouting and flowers opening… The boring winter country has been magically transformed into a wonderful garden. Knowing the names of some of the most typical blomster (flowers) and træer (trees) will never be as relevant as right now: Vintergækker (snowdrops…

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