Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: danskhed

Planet Denmark Posted by on Apr 11, 2013

Did you know there is a Dane in Tom Cruise’s new sci-fi movie, Oblivion? Danish media seem to be busy making sure that noone forgets that skuespiller (actor) Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is, well, a dansker (Dane)… The avis (”a-VEEce”, newspaper) Information [infore-mah-SHON] recently hit the nail on the head when they skrev (wrote) that … Danes…

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Grundtvig and the Love of Learning Posted by on Aug 21, 2012

These days, elev/er (pupil/s, student/s) all over Denmark are coming back to school life after sommerferien (the summer vacation). Sweating, with the sun shining through the classroom curtains, they’re doing their best to rehearse and learn the answers the teacher would like them to write in their final eksamen [ekSAmen]. Everyone’s competing with themselves and everyone…

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