Tag Archives: dialect
Talking about Languages Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Mar 31, 2019

Beklager, jeg taler ikke engelsk! (Sorry, I don’t speak English!) Although I normally wouldn’t recommend lying, the previous phrase might come handy if you’re a beginner & want to practice your dansk! 🙂 Otherwise there is a big probability (!) that the Danes you meet will answer you in their excellent English… Let’s talk about…
Silent Letters in Danish Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 31, 2018

Ever thought about all the letters we don’t say out loud – like the h in ’hour’? Just like English, Danish is notorious for its strange relationship between pronunciation and spelling, including a bunch of stumme bogstaver (silent letters, literally ”mute letters”). Hvem, hvad, hvor og hvornår? (Who, what, where and when?) The H of…
The Capital of Danish Jokes Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 31, 2016
Danes love a good vittighed (joke) – especially about themselves… 🙂 Like in other countries, people i byerne (in the cities) make fun of people på landet (in the countryside) – and the other way around, I can assure you! 🙂 As you’re probably aware, in Denmark there’s a constant West vs. East ”mockery battle”…
Danish Dialects Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 31, 2013
Denmark is so small you can hide it from a standard-size globe with the tip of your finger. Railways and motorveje (motorways, freeways) crisscross the country, and besides Bornholm and a few other øer (islands), there are really no places where groups of people can live in isolation and become, let’s say, special! 🙂 (Sorry, Bornholmers, I couldn’t resist…)…