Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: European Language Award

Be A Dane Without Being There Posted by on Dec 19, 2012

Do you remember Dansksimulatoren, the award-winning Danish-course where you are a virtual person in a virtual Denmark? I had a chat with Thomas K. Hansen from Vejle-based Vifin (Videnscenter for Integration = Knowledge Centre for Integration). Congratulations for having won the European Language Award 2012! How does it feel? It’s quite nice. I think most…

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Virtual Vejle Posted by on Oct 7, 2012

Normally I wouldn’t promote any other language courses than the brilliant one I suppose you’re currently using: Transparent Language! (Have you tried the new TL Online, by the way?) 🙂 I’ll make an exception, though, for the recent Danish winner of Den Europæiske Sprogpris 2012 (the European Language Award 2012). This award is given every…

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