Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: flag

Souvenir Hunting in Denmark Posted by on Jul 18, 2016

Hej! Hvordan går det? Hopefully, your answer is godt [got] (good)! 🙂 To many people, sommeren ([the] Summer) is a time for rejser [RYEsor] (travels). Maybe you even found your way to Danmark, to enjoy the byer (towns), strande (beaches) and øer (islands) of verdens lykkeligste land (the world’s happiest country)? Here are some souvenirer…

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Birthdays in Denmark Posted by on Jul 31, 2014

Tillykke med fødselsdagen! (Happy birthday!) Since July is crowded with birthdays in my family, I thought it would be nice ending the month with some facts about fødselsdagsfejring (birthday celebration) in Denmark. Danes are the most birthday-obsessed people I’ve come across yet. For many børn (children) their fødselsdag is just as important as jul…

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What’s in a flag? Posted by on Jan 30, 2014

In 1219, the Danish King Valdemar Sejr (Victory) and his brave Christian troops were fighting the heathens in Lyndanise, Estland (Estonia). The savage Estonians were getting the upper hand, and the Danish troops were on the point of leaving their konge (king). Then, miraculously, a giant flag [flay] fell from the sky. It was red as…

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Happy Grundlovsdag Posted by on Jun 5, 2012

A lot of Danes had a welcome day off today, as the country celebrated its grundlovsdag (Constitution Day). (Well, most places people actually had half a day off, working until 12 o’clock…) One and a half century ago, on June 5th 1849, Denmark got its first constitution. This was something Danish defendants of frihed (freedom)…

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The Gs that Be Posted by on May 26, 2012

If the Danish R’s confused you, you’d better stop reading right now! The letter G is basically pronounced in three different ways: • As the hard G of English girl. This is the ordinary sound of G when it comes in front of a syllable, a T or another G. (If you’re not quite sure…

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