Tag Archives: Gudenåen
Happy Summer in Denmark Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 30, 2018

Jubi, der er sommer! (Hooray, it’s summer!) For most danskere (Danes), that means ferie (vacation). Fortunately, in a hyggelig country like Danmark, there’s always a lot to do – especially when solen skinner (the sun is shining)! 🙂 Kan du li’ at bade? (Do you like bathing?) Find badetøjet frem (find your bathing clothes) and…
Randers Ramblings Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 31, 2014
Randers [RANNors] is a by (town, city) in Nordøstjylland (North Eastern Jutland), between the cities of Århus and Aalborg. This efterår (Autumn/Fall), I got a bit of work up there. I must say I’ve fallen in love with the city! Randers lies next to Gudenåen, the only å (stream) in Denmark that’s wide enough to…