Tag Archives: kaffe
Cake Parties in Southern Jutland Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jan 31, 2018

Sønderjylland – the southernmost part of Jutland – is known for its sønderjysk kaffebord (Southern Jutish ”coffee table”), a cake extravaganza made in heaven. I met two women with Sønderjylland roots, Ditte and Marie, for a talk about the unique tradition. M: Back in the day when the Prussians took over Sønderjylland, the Danes used…
Reading a Danish Cafe Menu Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Feb 25, 2017

…og om lidt er kaffen klar (and soon the coffee is ready). One of Denmark’s most iconic singalong songs ever doesn’t mention kaffe (coffee) for nothing – many Danes just can’t get enough of it, and globally only Finns and Swedes seem to be drinking more coffee. Whether you agree with rapper Per Vers, who…