Danish Language Blog

Tag Archives: Queen Margrethe

Happy New Year from the Queen Posted by on Dec 31, 2016

Unlike julen (Christmas), the Danish nytårsfejring (New Year Celebration) hasn’t got a lot of traditioner. People get together, eat, drink (remember to say skååål!) and watch fyrværkeri. (Each year a small number of people get hurt by raketter – rockets.) One fixed tradition, however, is the televised nytårstale (New Year’s speech) by Queen Margrethe. Here…

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Kongefamilien Posted by on Oct 22, 2012

Having looked at the Danish words for various family members, the time has now come to lære at kende (get acquainted with) the Danish royal family. You’ve already said hello to the familieoverhoved (head of family, literally ’family over-head’!): Dronning Margrethe den anden (Queen Margareth the second), our friendly and kunstnerisk (artistic) queen since 1972…

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A Visit from China Posted by on Jun 17, 2012

The Chinese president, Hu Jintao, just made his first official visit to Denmark. (The last time he was here, was during the huge conference on global opvarmning, ’global warming’, which was hosted in Copenhagen, December 2009.) Greeted by dronning Margrethe (Queen Margrethe II) at the airport, Hu and his enormous retinue (including several Chinese minsters)…

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