Tag Archives: Roskilde Festival
Happy Summer in Denmark Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jun 30, 2018

Jubi, der er sommer! (Hooray, it’s summer!) For most danskere (Danes), that means ferie (vacation). Fortunately, in a hyggelig country like Danmark, there’s always a lot to do – especially when solen skinner (the sun is shining)! 🙂 Kan du li’ at bade? (Do you like bathing?) Find badetøjet frem (find your bathing clothes) and…
5 Senses in Danish Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Oct 24, 2017

In order to learn Danish you need to keep both ører (ears) and øjne (eyes) open. To get the full cultural oplevelse (experience), however, you have to engage alle dine fem sanser (all your five senses). Høresans (sense of hearing) or hørelse [hur-l-seh]. Hører du hvad jeg siger? [hur do va yi seeor] (Do you…
Festival Fun Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 19, 2015
Hvilken festival skal du til i år? (Which festival are you going to this year?) For many danskere, Summer is Festival Season. A festival means musik, venskab (friendship), kærlighed (love), god stemning (good atmosphere), hygge and lots of øl. Summer Denmark is peppered with festivals, from tiny island get-togethers such as Tunø Festival, to children-friendly…
The World’s Biggest Party Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on Jul 12, 2012
72.000 people. About 100 bands. Thousands of telte (tents). A week of dancing, drinking, swimming, smoking, flirting, making love, and grooving to some of the hottest names on the international music scene. Last year I told you of Roskilde Festival, the largest music festival in Northern Europe. This year, I had the chance to go…