Tag Archives: wolves
Wild Danish Mammals Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 30, 2019
A hare [ha-a] jumping mysteriously across the street in front of you. A ræv (fox) stealing your sausages at the beach barbecue party. A pindsvin (hedgehog) going for a moonlit stroll. As urban as Denmark is, the country has a lot of wildlife. The Vikings believed in Ratatosk, an egern [e-yern] (squirrel) that was…
What’s Dangerous in Denmark? Posted by Bjørn A. Bojesen on May 19, 2017
Australia’s got sharks, Canada is grizzly ground, Iceland has volcanoes. But what is farlig [farlee] (dangerous) in Danmark? Lots of people enjoy a bit of spænding i tilværelsen (excitement in ”the being” = in life). If we as mennesker (humans) didn’t appreciate a good kick, I guess we wouldn’t springe ud i faldskærm (”jump out”…