Archive for June, 2009
Krokodili Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 12, 2009
This month I decided to hunt down some more idiomatic expressions in Esperanto. The best one I could find for this entry (i.e., one that is not an expletive, and thus fit for polite company!) is the verb “krokodili.” Native English speakers might know of the expression “crocodile tears,” which refers to a display of…
Motivating My Cousins Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 10, 2009
Bonan tagon! I apologize for the delay in posting. My week has been rather hectic, to say the least. But, now I should remain on schedule, and with luck I’ll have a couple of new posts within the next two days. Thanks for your patience! I recently talked to my younger cousins about Esperanto. They’re…
A New Read on Linguistic Issues Posted by Transparent Language on Jun 3, 2009
A co-worker recently passed on this link in an email. It’s a review of a fascinating new book about languages, called “Origins of the Specious.” The Darwin pun alone makes me want to read it! While the book, from what I can discern, does not focus on Esperanto, it addresses some of the peculiar idiosyncrasies…