Esperanto Language Blog

Archive for July, 2013

Esperanto: the second language in OUYA Posted by on Jul 31, 2013

Since the following article is about a project I’m personally involved in, I will translate the article about it from Libera Folio, an Esperanto news source. After English, Esperanto became the second language, which appeared in the recently launched game console OUYA, a system crowdfunded by private hobbyists. An app for listening to Esperanto radio…

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Nicole, I am your Esperanto father Posted by on Jul 3, 2013

Last week we had an interview with Nicole Klünder, a third generation native Esperanto speaker. It became so popular that a Belgian radio station even picked up on it to interview a local native Esperanto speaker (in Dutch). A few days later, Nicole’s father Helmut Klünder wrote me to let me know of some factual…

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