Esperanto Language Blog

Archive by Author

Brief Notes on L.L. Zamenhof Posted by on Mar 19, 2009

Who is L.L. Zamenhof? To studentoj kaj parolantoj of Esperanto, Zamenhof is a hero of sorts, whose singular contributions to world language have been greater than any individual before or since. He has even been deified in the Shinto religion of Japan, where he is recognized as a “kami.” (studento = student; -j = denotes…

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Responses from an Esperanto Student Posted by on Mar 19, 2009

When I tell people that I speak and study Esperanto, their reactions range from surprised to confused to skeptical. The ones who are surprised have little to no idea what Esperanto is supposed to be; those same people probably did not know that Esperanto existed in the first place. The confused wonder where I picked…

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Bonan Novjartagon! Posted by on Mar 19, 2009

Bonan Novjartagon, miaj amikoj! The year 2008 is all said and done, and it certainly chose to end with a bang of its own. Here in Usono, the air is bitterly cold and windy, but that didn’t prevent the most devoted of us from going out and celebrating the new year! I find it difficult…

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Martin Luther King Day Posted by on Jan 19, 2009

Hodiaux en Usono ni celebras la penadojn de Martin Luther King. We don’t have enough political heroes to celebrate in America, unfortunately. We have our founding fathers, a handful of spectacular presidents, and a few civil rights leaders worth commemorating. While it seems to some that our culture has not produced multaj herooj, I say…

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