Esperanto Language Blog

Bleki Posted by on Jun 26, 2009 in Esperanto Language

The other day I stumbled upon a surprisingly useful word – “bleki.” There is no one-word English translation, but “bleki” is a general verb that means “for an animal to cry.” You can use it to refer to birds calling, dogs barking, horses neighing…It works for pretty much any non-human creature!

Mi opinias ke la vorto estas utila…Mia onklino havas du hundojn. La bestioj estas tre bruaj! Sxiaj hundoj blekas senfine!

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  1. Tim:

    Esperanto has a lot of more precise words, like boji, heni, miaui, pepi, for specific animals.

    I wouldn’t say “hundo blekas” to mean “a dog is barking”, and a quick Googling seems to support that “hundo blekas” is a lot less frequent than “hundo bojas”.

  2. Lex:

    Yes, if you know the verb “boji,” you’re probably more likely to use that over “bleki.” At least “bleki” serves the purpose of being a multi-use verb for situations where you’re not sure of a better word.

  3. Pastoro:

    Ekzistas kelkaj vortoj por preskaŭ ĉia blekado:

    Kvati – Rano
    Boji – Hundo
    Miaŭi – Kato
    Kanti – Koko
    Kluki – Kokino
    Pepi – Kokido
    Grunti – Porko
    Heni – Ĉevalo
    Grumbli – Porko
    Trili – Alaŭdo
    Muĝi – Bovo
    Hojli – Lupo
    Zumi – Muŝo, Kulo, ktp