Bonan Novjartagon, miaj amikoj! The year 2008 is all said and done, and it certainly chose to end with a bang of its own. Here in Usono, the air is bitterly cold and windy, but that didn’t prevent the most devoted of us from going out and celebrating the new year! I find it difficult to be chilly when people are acting so warmly on this day of global celebration.
(Nov-, new; jar-, year; tag-, day; = New Year’s Day. Usono = United States)
This sort of worldwide goodwill is exactly what L.L. Zamenhof, kreinto of the Esperanto language, would have been hoping for. He invented Esperanto in the hopes that a universal language could help foster a more peaceful global society. I think that dream can be realized. While we are still a long way away from that goal, a day like today gives us a videto into the human spirit – one that shows we have the ability to coexist peacefully.
(krei, to create; -int-, past participle; -o, denotes noun; = creator. Vidi, to see; -et-, diminutive; = a peek; a small look)