A friend of mine, who happens to be a rabid fan of a certain science-fiction series, has often jested that his Klingon language would make a worthwhile hobby for me, since I seem to enjoy obscure languages! I can’t pretend I speak Klingon, but that same friend passed along this link to start me on the right trail. I’m amazed to see a page devoted to nia plej sxatata lingvo! It goes to show you how Esperanto helps to break down language barriers, huh?
In the meantime, for a series of far more helpful Esperanto links, check out the Esperanto Links section of Arion’s Home. I happened upon this page while searching for “Esperanto Humor.” Perhaps Google thinks it funny that I’d be searching for Esperanto subjects, and so gives me a helpful link?
Wow! You found my BLog!
There was one link to World TV’s – Esperanto Humor TV
which is how I think it registered. =)
I suppose that would do it, huh? Still, I’m glad to have discovered your blog. Thank you for the wealth of links!
Saluton al ĉiuj
estos tre interese ideo lerni alia lingvo tra nia amato Esperanto, ĉu ne?, Mi ĵus eklernis la elfica alfabeto, mi pensas ke klingon povas esti interese almenaŭ por scii kelkaj vortoj.
It will be an interesting idea to learn another languaje through our beloved Esperanto, isn´t it?. I just begun to learn the elfic alphabet and i think that klingon may be interesting at least for know some words.
huraoj – cheers
Ĝis poste – Seeya
Meksikurbo – ok, you know, México city