French Language Blog

Archive for June, 2010

Une île secrète: A secret island Posted by on Jun 12, 2010

As Serge Gainsbourg would have said, to choose Brussels over Tunisia, faut être à moitie fou (you have to be half-crazy). Mais même si je le suis (but even if I am), I had une bonne raison to do it.  Brussels, at just over 100 euros aller-retour(round-trip) on the Eurostar, is vachement* moins cher (way cheaper)…

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French Slang Expressions with the Letter E Posted by on Jun 11, 2010

In the “E” section of the B.A.-BA de l’Argot, we get to know today four French slang words used rather frequently; j’ai nommé: – s’Éclater; – s’Emballer; – s’Embrouiller; – s’Engueuler; – Épingler. * * * * s’Éclater: The verb “éclater” means literally “to burst.” But figuratively speaking, its reflexive form, “s’éclater” means “to have an awesome time”, or…

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Les (Sacrés?) Bleus en Coupe du Monde 2010 ! Posted by on Jun 8, 2010

Scores of you who are joining le blog français are undoubtedly super excited to watch en direct (live) your national team play in this special competition, or at least should have une équipe favorite –or more- that you will be cheering for. La France has managed to make it into Uncle Mandela‘s hottest event of the Summer. The last time it failed to pass the qualifiers was back…

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Dans le Port d’Amsterdam (Brel vs. Bowie) Posted by on Jun 5, 2010

Today we discover a song by a special *Belgian* artist. Most people, till today, tend to mistake him for a French. That, if anything, reflects how profound of an impact he left on la chanson française. His name is Jacques Brel, and contrary to many other singers and musicians, he is one whose artistic life “se passe de tout de commentaire” (does not…

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Se baigner vs. se baigner Posted by on Jun 4, 2010

I was sitting dans un café (in a coffee shop) today, thinking “What on earth will le post d’aujourd’hui (today’s post) be about?” Je n’avais plus d’idées—I didn’t have any more ideas. But the hot, en sueur (sweaty) people walking by gave me my answer. Il fait hyper chaud à New York. It’s super hot…

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L’Homme au Masque de Fer Posted by on Jun 3, 2010

Today, we will evoke une énigme de l’histoire de France, and it is not related to a fiction character (fans of “Iron Man”, désolé, but stick around nevertheless.) Usually, les secrets d’états (state secrets) take a few decades before they are divulgués (divulged) to le public, but it seems that some secrets are never really meant to be unveiled…

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Voyage à Bruxelles! Posted by on Jun 2, 2010

À Paris, j’avais des vacances scolaires géniales (In Paris, I had amazing school vacations). We had deux semaines (two weeks) au printemps (in the spring), and I wanted to vraiment profiter (really profit from them).  I toyed around with lots of ideas, but more than anything, I wanted to go to la Tunisie—Tunisia. Mon copain…

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