Archive for December, 2016
French in Philadelphia Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Dec 28, 2016

My family and I took an impromptu trip to Philadelphia for the holidays. It’s a wonderful city and, compared to New York, where I’m from, it’s much more manageable and low key, particularly for families. We took my son to the Franklin Institute, where he was dazzled by a robotics exhibition, and then to Drexler…
Hello Christmas – French Christmas Songs Posted by John Bauer on Dec 28, 2016

There are many chansons de Noël (Christmas songs) that exist both in English and French. Par exemple (for example), Au royaume du bonhomme hiver is the French version of Walking in a Winter Wonderland. Cependant (however), there are also des chants de Noël that only exist in French! It takes a lifetime to learn all…
Va te faire cuire un œuf!* Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 27, 2016

It is said that the classic French chef’s hat has 100 folds, one for each way to cook an egg. This morning over breakfast as I wondered what to write about this week, I found the answer right there in front of me . . . dans mon assiette! (in my plate)** So this week…
Santa’s Naughty Partner: Come Meet Père Fouettard! Posted by Josh Dougherty on Dec 22, 2016
He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows if you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! There are only 3 days left until Christmas, so that means there are only 72 hours to right your wrongs from the past year to make sure you end up on Santa’s…
A Christmas Carol En Version Française Posted by John Bauer on Dec 21, 2016

There are many famous stories about la période des fêtes (the holiday season). My personal favorite is Un chant de Noël (A Christmas Carol) by Charles Dickens. Although originally in English, Un chant de Noël can help your French! I have written about how it can be useful to watch your favorite TV shows and…
Un cadeau* Posted by Tim Hildreth on Dec 20, 2016

12 years ago when I was a French teacher, le mois de décembre (the month of December) presented a special challenge. As the winter break and les fêtes de fin d’année (year end holidays) approached, keeping kids focused on lessons and learning became more and more difficult. Especially in the last week before les vacances**…
C’est Noël! Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Dec 19, 2016
Well, not quite. Ce n’est pas encore Noël. But it will be soon enough. And it’s the perfect time to enjoy some Christmas music … en français. Last week, John shared with you le chanson “Au Royaume du Bonhomme Hiver” (Walking in a Winter Wonderland). There’s another holiday classic is often played on French airwaves during this season: “C’est Noël” (It’s Christmas)…