Building Your French Vocabulary Posted by Sean Young on Jun 11, 2012 in Vocabulary
A couple of weeks ago, I put up a post on French You Already Know. Besides these cognates, learning new words is a constant activity in language learning. While memorizing vocabulary lists is helpful, it is more important to learn the words you need in a real situation. Your goal is to learn to both say the new words in a way that a native speaker can understand them, and to understand them when they are spoken to you. The following strategies will help you to expand and improve your vocabulary.
Vocabulary Practice
Make it a goal to learn several new words every day.
Say the words aloud as you study them.
Learn words for everyday objects.
Create your own dictionary by listing new vocabulary in your language notebook. See if you can find and group together any synonyms, antonyms, cognates, words that rhyme, pairs of words that go together (brother and sister, black and white, bacon and eggs).
Practice silently. When you are sitting in a room, practice saying the names of items in the room to yourself or think of words to describe the people you are sitting with.
Vocabulary memorization
Learn words in sets that naturally go together. For example: Parts of the body, days of the week, family relationships, items in a classroom, colors, items in the kitchen; Situations in which you might use the word (if you always have corned beef for lunch, learn the related words such as rice, tomato sauce, onions).
Use flash cards to write words and a sentence with a new word in it. You can write the English word on one side and the new word on the other. Use different color flashcards to organize by subject matter, function, situation or grammar point.
Make a list of words that change based on the social setting, for example, polite words depending on who you are talking with.
Try acting out the word or saying it aloud, instead of only relying on visuals. Make associations to help you remember. Does the word’s sound match the meaning or does it rhyme with a word you know?
As I write this, I am drinking coffee. How many vocabulary items can you think of that use the word coffee? Here’s what I got right off the top of my head:
Un café – a coffee
Une tasse de café – A cup of coffee
La cafetière – Coffee pot
Le café instantané – Instant Coffee
Un décaféiné – Decaffeinated
Un cappuccino – Cappuccino
Un café americain – Filtered coffee
Un café glacé – Iced Coffee
Also think about how you want your coffee prepared – with milk? With cream? Black?
Remember, you’re not always bound to what the books give you. Always find ways to expand your learning, build on what you already know.

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About the Author: Sean Young
Learning languages since 1978 and studying over 50 (achieving fluency in 10). Sean L. Young loves giving tips, advice and the secrets you need to learn a language successfully no matter what language you're learning. Currently studying Hindi and blogging his progress right here at Transparent Language -
A really great post. Thanks so much.
Thank you for reminding me that studying vocabulary is essential to my learning French. I had forgotten that in high school and college there were lists of words for me to memorize and study. Now, in order to become more fluent, I must return to that method.