Archive for 'Holidays'
Bastille Day 2021 Posted by Tim Hildreth on Jul 13, 2021

After last year’s quatorze juillet pas comme les autres, I was happy to see that this year’s festivities will see a return to more-or-less normal with des feux d’artifice, les bals des pompiers, un défilé militaire, [et un] concert sous la Tour Eiffel … you can find all the details here! French holidays: Bastille Day 5…
Anniversaries Posted by Tim Hildreth on May 11, 2021

For many French learners, the word anniversaire is perhaps most with associated with the expression Joyeux anniversaire but it can also refer to un anniversaire de mariage, or like in this past week, l’anniversaire d’une mort, or l’anniversaire de la fin d’une guerre. So this week, let’s explore anniversaries. 200 years after the death of…