Oui, it is finally here, and it could never come back too soon: La saison du printemps est de retour! (Spring season is finally back!)
Why don’t we all celebrate the happy event with some of les plus belles voix (the most beautiful voices) of l’opéra français(French Opera)?
For many, Maria Callas has de loin (by far) delivered the best Delilah performance à ce jour (to this day)
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Many a great opera singer has chanted the célèbre(famous) French aria that you are about to listen to today: Think of la Roumaine(Romanian) Elena Cernei, the RussianOlga Borodina, or the American Shirley Verrett; few of these mezzo-soprano voices, however, have come close to the performance somptueuse achieved by the one and only Maria Callas.