French Language Blog

Tag Archives: adverbs

Never Ever be Confused by This French Word Again! Posted by on Sep 15, 2016

Bonjour, tout le monde ! As a French student, you already know that the language is beautiful, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a little tricky. When you learn a second language, you start to notice a few things about your native tongue that you may have never considered before. Why is our grammar…

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So Many Confusing Pairs! Encore vs. Toujours Posted by on Oct 1, 2015

Continuing this week with another post in the confusing pairs series, today we’re going to look at 2 little words that can have 10 English meanings. Their usage overlaps in some cases, so it’s very easy to mix the two up. Si vous n’avez pas encore deviné les 2 mots (If you haven’t already guessed the 2…

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