French Language Blog

Tag Archives: andre breton

Secrets de l’art magique surréaliste (Secrets of the Magical Surrealist Art) Posted by on May 6, 2011

Yesterday’s post, “Surréalisme of André Breton: “La chute libre dans le subconscient” (“The Free Fall into the Subconscious”)“, introduced a general idea of what “le surréalisme” is, and described the Surrealist call to give carte blanche (or “free rein”) to one’s subconscious, in the manner that was expressed by le chef de file (the leader) of…

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Surréalisme of André Breton Posted by on May 5, 2011

Imagine if you were to completely open your mind, without the slightest form of compulsion or restraint, set it into the most “passive mode“, and start writing, just writing, not caring about any considération logique ou esthétique (logical or esthetical consideration)… Give free reign to your subconscious to express itself in plain words. If you…

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Like Coffee, I like my Humour Noir! Posted by on Jan 27, 2011

Garçon! French Dark Sense of Humor, S’il vous plait. Take a tad bit of unbridled cynisme (cynicism), a little dose of the desperately tragique, mix up with un soupçon (a hint)of the morbidly discomforting, preferablyverging onthe edge of the macabre, or any social “taboo” flavor that tickles your fancy, and you may very well end up with what…

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