Tag Archives: bastille
5 Facts about the Bastille Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Jul 17, 2017

As you probably know, la fête nationale, or the French national holiday, is celebrated every July 14. As Tim explains in his Bastille day post, this celebration is held (partly) in commemoration of the storming of the Bastille in 1789, an event that is often noted to have begun the French Revolution. But Bastille Day…
L’Homme au Masque de Fer: The Man in the Iron Mask Posted by Hichem on Sep 30, 2011
Today’s article is about une énigme (an engima) of l’histoire de France. But don’t get too excited while reading the title above: It’s got nothing to do with any comics fictional character—Fans of “Iron Man“, really désolé, but stick around nevertheless! Usually, les secrets d’états (state secrets) take a few decades before they are divulgués (divulged) to le public, but it seems that some secrets are…
L’Homme au Masque de Fer Posted by Hichem on Jun 3, 2010
Today, we will evoke une énigme de l’histoire de France, and it is not related to a fiction character (fans of “Iron Man”, désolé, but stick around nevertheless.) Usually, les secrets d’états (state secrets) take a few decades before they are divulgués (divulged) to le public, but it seems that some secrets are never really meant to be unveiled…