French Language Blog

Tag Archives: dessin anime

Il Ne Craint Personne (He Fears No One) Posted by on Sep 8, 2012

Do you wish to know a fictional character who left a distinctive mark upon an entire generation of French boys -and probably legions of girls too- now aged between 25 and 40? Well, look no further mes amis: There is a consensus that “Nicky Larson” (or “City Hunter” in the original Japanese) is one of…

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KEN: Le Survivant de l’Enfer (The French “Fist of the North Star”) Posted by on Jun 24, 2012

In the early 1990s, French teenagers did not exactly watch TV programs like “SpongeBob SquarePants” or “Hannah Montana”… The show you are about to discover today was then considered the ultimate dessin animé (cartoon) not to miss on French TV for the 12-year-old boys on Wednesday afternoons. And nevermind that the storyline featured some pretty violent…

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La Tulipe Noire in the French Revolution Posted by on Feb 6, 2011

What if the world of les vengeurs masqués (masked avengers) were to be thrown into the tumultuous times of la révolution française? L’acteur iconique of the French, Alain Delon, incarnated “La Tulipe Noire.” An 18th century Zorro unleashed in the French Revolution! A decade later, inspired from the Delon movie, the Japanese had to fall for the…

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