Tag Archives: expressions
French: Regional Variants Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Oct 17, 2016
It’s easy to forget that French is a living language that is in a constant state of flux. We know this to be true, of course, because of new words that are added to the French dictionary each year, or the development of verlan. But sometimes it is easy to forget that language is very…
The Dog Days Are Over – French Expressions with Chien Posted by Josh Dougherty on Sep 11, 2015
Earlier this summer (mais où est donc passé l’été? – where has summer gone?), I wrote a post with expressions and proverbs using the word chat. Whether you’re a cat person or a dog person, it’s not fair to exclude the dogs of their own post So, for all my fellow dog lovers, let’s…
Cat Got Your Tongue? Cat-Related Expressions in French! Posted by Josh Dougherty on Jun 18, 2015
Ah, June. The latin name is Junius. Roman déesse (goddess) Juno, the protector of and special counselor of the state, says the month was named after her. It’s also the month that starts summer. Warm temperatures and White Nights in the northern countries. At the beginning of the month, the sun rises in la constellation…