Tag Archives: football
La Coupe du Monde (The World Cup) Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Jun 26, 2018

Any soccer (or, rather, football) fans out there are surely aware of the important games that are occurring now. It is, of course, the World Cup (La Coupe du Monde), which occurs only once every four years. Unfortunately for American fans, the United States did not make it through qualifications. But, you can always still root…
Les chansons de supporteurs de foot (French football songs) Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Jan 31, 2017

If you’ve ever watched a French football (soccer) game, you’ve probably noticed that fans shout out some very energetic and catchy songs and cheers. These songs differ depending on the team fans are cheering for, of course. (And it’s not just French fans who do this–if you’ve ever watched a Liverpool game, you might be familiar with You’ll…
Encore Rémi GAILLARD! (“Ze Very Best Of”) Posted by Hichem on Jul 2, 2010
In the videos you have previously seen of le farceur (the prankster) Rémi GAILLARD posted two days ago, the Montpelliérain (name of the inhabitants of the beautiful southern city of Montpellier) displayed only two of his many talents cachés (hidden talents): Namely his ability to infiltrate major évènements sportifs, always undetected, as well as his prouesse…
Scandal au Mondial des Bleus ! Posted by Hichem on Jun 22, 2010
Ca y est les gars, c’est fini ! (That’s all folks, it’s over!) Prochain rendez-vous des Bleus dans quatre ans pour la Coupe du Monde au Brésil (Next rendez-vous for les Bleus in four years for the World Cup in Brazil), and in two years for the UEFA Euro 2012 in la Pologne (Poland) and l’Ukraine. But then, the nagging question…
The (Broken) American Dream of a French Football Team Posted by Hichem on Apr 17, 2010
Today is vendredi. A long week has mercifully come to an end, Dieu merci (Thank God.) What do you les gars (guys) like to do in your fin de semaine (on the weekend) ? Personnellement (personally), one of my favorite passe-temps (hobbies) when I have du temps libre (free time) is to play le football. Let us then… “tackle” a bit the…