French Language Blog

Tag Archives: free French recipes

French Recipe: Hachis Parmentier Posted by on Jan 9, 2017

As the temperatures cool down, there is nothing I like more than cooking warm, hearty meals. In New York, we’ve already hit some uncomfortable lows. That means it’s time to break out one of my favorite recipes: hachis parmentier. Hachis parmentier is a well-known French comfort food, and is similar to the British shepherd’s pie. Even better…

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Recette: Boeuf Bourguignon Posted by on Nov 1, 2016

It’s getting much colder here in New York– a sure sign that winter is fast approaching. Today, the grass was covered in a thin coat of frost (le givre) when I woke up–a not-so-pleasant reminder of the supposedly especially cold winter we are facing in the northeast! When it gets very cold, I tend to…

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