French Language Blog

Tag Archives: jerome kerviel

Lost in (Abréviation) Translation? (Part 1) Posted by on Sep 22, 2010

Le dernier mois (last month), many internautes rejoiced to find here on the “French Blog” a list of must-know abréviations commonly used in les textos français (French SMS), together with brief explanations and examples of their daily use. See “Lost in (Textos/SMS) Translation?” Today, we’re going to go encore plus loin (even further), and show you the abbreviations commonly…

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Jerôme KERVIEL: «Traitor Trader» ou «Bouc émissaire»? Posted by on Jun 24, 2010

“SCANDAL“: A seven-letter word that somehow seems to have morphed into “le maître-mot” (the “catchword”, or the “buzzword”) in France these days. While the affaire Anelka is still unfolding, with the new implication of Thierry Henry, accused to be one of the masterminds behind the mutinée and la grève (the strike) directed against the Coach Domenech, another scandal, relatively old, is taking…

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