French Language Blog

Tag Archives: le noël

French Christmas – To fill your shoes Posted by on Dec 22, 2020

Despite the current pandemic, people around the world are preparing to celebrate Noël. For many enfants in France, that preparation includes leaving une chaussure ou une paire de souliers au peid du sapin on Christmas eve. Chaussures, bottes, ou chaussettes … The custom of leaving shoes, boots, or stockings/socks beneath the Christmas tree (or by…

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French Culture – Decorating Posted by on Nov 24, 2020

For many, the Thanksgiving holiday here in the US marks the official start of the holiday season. France doesn’t officially have Thanksgiving, and so souvent le temps des fêtes commence (the holiday period begins often) right after la Toussaint. Noël aux Grands Magasins  One of the first signs of Christmas’s impending arrival, in Paris at least, can…

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Santa’s Naughty Partner: Come Meet Père Fouettard! Posted by on Dec 22, 2016

He sees you when you’re sleeping He knows when you’re awake He knows if you’ve been bad or good So be good for goodness sake! There are only 3 days left until Christmas, so that means there are only 72 hours to right your wrongs from the past year to make sure you end up on Santa’s…

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Warm Your Soul with This Mulled Wine Recipe! Posted by on Dec 1, 2016

December is here, and along with the cold comes my favorite season. I don’t mean winter – snow is beautiful and all, but I don’t much care to be in it. I’m referring to the holiday season. It’s all about traditions, family time, cookies, ugly sweaters, and if you’re my mother, a different theme for…

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