French Language Blog

Tag Archives: Paris

Une “Casse à-la-Cassel” ! (Grand “Théft” à-la-Menthe) Posted by on May 25, 2010

We keep you au courant of tous les événements majeurs qui se passent sur la scène française (all major events that happen on the French scene.) Alors, que s’est-il récemment passé? (So, what happened recently?) It seems that just this past jeudi (Thursday), May 20th, someone was able to enter overnight into the Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris – (The “Paris…

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Revue littéraire no. 2 Posted by on May 12, 2010

After the fun of Balzac’s Sarrasine , it’s time for our deuxième revue littéraire! Aimé Césaire was un poète, un écrivain et un homme politique Martiniquais: a Martinican poet, writer and politician. Né en (born in) Martinique en 1913, Césaire a démenagé (moved) to Paris for high school. There, he began an academic career that included…

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The French Language: L’Éloquence, Par Excellence! Posted by on Apr 6, 2010

If the Italians are notoriously known for their obssession with l’Opéra, the English for their penchant towards the performing arts, the Germans for their grand amour of la musique classique, then what about the French? Eh bien the French are tout simplement fond of their own language! What they cherish par-dessus tout (above all) is…

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Un petit déjeuner parisien Posted by on Apr 5, 2010

One of the things I miss most about Paris is the breakfasts—les petits déjeuners. (Before we go any further, did you know that « jeuner » means to fast, so « déjeuner » is literally to break the fast ?) Un petit déjeuner parisien, for me, c’est tout simple. It depends if you’re eating chez…

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