Tag Archives: prepositions
Back to the Basics: French Articles Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on May 15, 2017

Today we will be going back to the basics of French grammar. The very building blocks of the French language require articles. What are they? Well, in English, they would be words like the or a. In any language, articles are used to show whether a noun is specific or unspecific. For example, in English, you could say “After the…
Problematic Prepositions: De (Part Trois) Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on May 8, 2017

Last week on the blog, we went over the rules regarding de when used as an expression of quantity. This is typically very confusing for French learners, as it can be difficult to pick out what exactly an expression of quantity is. We’ll delve a bit more into the grammatical nitty-gritty of what constitutes an expression of…
French Compound Prepositions: Part 2 Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Aug 29, 2016
Last week, we went over some common compound prepositions in French that situate people or objects in relation to one another (particularly in regard to place/location). This week, let’s focus on compound prepositions that create a different link between nouns. As described last week, some prepositions directly situate one object compared to the location of…
French Compound Prepositions: Part 1 Posted by Elizabeth Schmermund on Aug 22, 2016
In previous posts, the French team has explored different kinds of French prepositions, including a basic overview of prepositions and proper preposition use with different countries. Prepositions (prépositions) are words or groups of words that show a relationship between one thing and another in a sentence. For example, a preposition might link the location of one…